
Friday 8 August 2014

I sprinted through a 2 mile trail with my buddy to catch this sunset on Mt. Jefferson. We rushed, tangled by the roots of the forest and battered from the rough hide of the mountain. To me it was worth more than all of the $2 bills in the world. The clouds looked like pancakes stacked high covered in rich golden rays like honey. I felt weightless like I didn't know which way was up or down. Serenity.
I could camp every day but sadly life won't afford that. I have found a secret mystery though. It is to enjoy and be content with the little drops of adventure honey that we get every day.

Here is a shot that I snapped this morning at the asphalt plant where I work. I found a moment in my day to climb a tank and appreciate the designer of this sunrise. Each sunrise and sunset is a painting in motion hand crafted by the Master Craftsman. Beauty at the beginning and end of every day. Search for the every day beauty in your life. It brings peace and contentment.

It's the little drops of honey that make us want to find the hive.

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